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🏞️ Bo Ella Falls - Mawanella EP01

Bo Ella Falls - Mawanella, Kegalla, Sri Lanka - Image Captured by Travel 360 Sri Lanka
Bo Ella Falls - Mawanella, Kegalla, Sri Lanka - Image Captured by Travel 360 Sri Lanka

Bo Ella Falls Information on Web :

This 3m tall Bo Ella Fall is served by a minor bo (Ficus religiosa) leaf-shaped stream (formed by the Ma Oya [river]) that begins in the Aranayake Rassawa Mountain, and also serves the Ahupini Falls.
Before the Bo Falls the water flows through rocks to form two distinct streams and cascades into a large rock pool, where it exits through a 2m opening..

Bo Ella Falls 360 video on Youtube :

Bo Ella Falls Location on Google Map :

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