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🏰 🏛️ The Palace of king Parakramabahu - Polonnaruwa (ep01)

The Palace of king Parakramabahu, Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka - Image Captured by Travel 360 Sri Lanka
The Palace of king Parakramabahu - Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka - Image Captured by Travel 360 Sri Lanka

The Palace of king Parakramabahu can be mentioned as an important place in the old town of Polonnaruwa, which was named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982.

This palace of King Maha Parakramabahu is also known as Satbumupaya, Vejayantha Prasadaya/ Vijayotpaya.

Today only the remains of 3 floors can be seen in this palace which was burnt down by the invasion of Kalinga Magha. But at that time, it is said that this palace had seven floors. The upper floors were finished by fixing planks on wooden beams and stone steps were used to climb the floors. Part of the stone staircase and the slots and wall cavities where the beams were installed can still be seen today between the thick brick walls.

It is said that there were 1000 rooms in this palace, ninety years ago. Although it is considered impossible for the palace building to have a thousand rooms, it is possible to believe that there must have been a thousand rooms in the entire palace complex.

We believe that this 360°/VR video will give you a wonderful experience walking inside the Parakramabahu Raja Palace!

We also remind you to enjoy the beauty of this precious archaeological site without harming the environment 🙂

The Palace of king Parakramabahu 360°/ VR rotatable video:

The Palace of King Parakramabahu 360°/ VR rotatable images:

The Palace of king Parakramabahu location:

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