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🏞️ Rukmal Ella Falls - Nawalapitiya EP01

Rukmal Ella Falls - Dedugala, Kegalle, Sri Lanka - Image Captured by Travel 360 Sri Lanka
Rukmal Ella Falls - Dedugala, Kegalle, Sri Lanka - Image Captured by Travel 360 Sri Lanka

Rukmal Ella Falls Information on Web :

Rukmal Ella Falls are situated in the Bulathkohupitiya – Dedugala Road in Kegalle district. This is a 10 meter waterfall which is best viewed and easily seen from the main road
Rukmal Ella Falls is made out of a tributary of Ritigaha Oya, which later joins the Kelani River. During the rainy season the water of the falls comes up to the bridge rail sprinkling water onto viewers from the roadside..

Source : www.attractionsinsrilanka.com

Rukmal Ella Falls 360 video on Youtube :

Rukmal Ella Falls Location on Google Map :

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